Thursday, May 28, 2015

May, 28, 2015

We should be on a plane from to Norway, way had to change the trip to another airline, another time, and another day.  Our outgoing flight from Atlanta was delayed beyond making the connections.  By making these changes, we we arrive in Norway earlier than what dis-United offered originally, noting that the weather caused the delay.  So what  do you do when you find some extra time???

The three pictures below are of Starr Mill, between Fayetteville and Senoia, GA.   I was working with the 'Vibrance" adjustments, which can be done in two different ways of which I am aware.

The first picture has not been 'shopped," for comparison.  Take time to compare...  Keep particular attention the the branches in the upper forefront.  Remember, you can click once on the photos to enlarge them.

The second picture was adjusted utilizing the Vibrance Slider, that is in the adustment tools.  The branches seem to 'pop' and and are brighter.

The third picture was done differently.  Utilizing the Layers tools. I added, what is called and Overlay layer.  From the Filter tools, I added a High Pass filter, which seems to make the same branches pops a little more.

Althought there is a difference, both adjustment are an improvement on the original.


  1. I heard about the delay... total bummer! I hope you can get out today... but Beth said it was stormy weather in GA... doesn't appear that way in the pics... beautiful! Enjoy the trip once you get there!

  2. so can you make similar adjustments to photos of people? Hmmm...we can all use a little more sparkle and pop! Hope you get on your way, soon.
