Thursday, December 31, 2015

December 31, 2015

There were some good guesses and one that was very close.  Yesterday's picture resulted from making adjustments on post-processing software. 

I took Linda to Woodstock, GA for lunch at a tea room only to have no seating until 4 pm.  We did find a nice sandwich shop as we walked around the downtown area.  There are no shortages of restaurants in Woodstock and, unfortunately, 'drinking holes.'

The picture is part of the decorations on the trees that line the sidewalk.  The first picture is a wide angle shot and the second is a close up.  The third picture, from yesterday, has a black vignette, which was brought right up the the edge of the ornament.

That is me in the center of the ornament taking the picture.  The curvature of the ornament created the fish-eye look.

I have added a few other pictures from our walk-about.

Until next year...

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

December 30, 2015

Can you guess what this is?  Click on it to enlarge for a better view.  Did I use a special lens?  Is it trick photography?

What do you think?  If you have an idea, just send me a reply.  I will follow this up on tomorrow.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

December 29, 2015

Do you remember "Turkey in the Straw?'  It is an old American folk song dating from the 19 century.  Well, how about Turkey in a Tree?

I took this picture two years ago in Hill, NH as I drove down a country road.  I had never seen nor heard of this.

Remember to click on the picture to enlarge it.

Added pictures of birds on the feeder today.  Male Cardinal, Female Cardinal, and a Male Downy Woodpecker.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

December 27, 2015

My PC crashed four years ago and I could not access the photos and files that were on the hard drive.  I had purchased a widget/gizmo that claimed that I could hook it up to the hard drive and download to another computer.  Well, yesterday I hooked it up and tried to download from the old PC to my Macbook, to which I have an external hard drive attached.

"Worked like a charm."  Admittedly, I do have Microsoft Office for Mac installed, which allowed the copying of the Word files.  The photos were no problem.

Here are a few pictures from the old computer taken in 2007. 

The first is from our room at the Cliff House, which is between Perkins Cove and Your Beach, Maine.

The next is of one of the tourist boats that embark from Perkins Cove and travel along the Maine coastline.

I desaturated all the colors except red.  There was little color in the photo other than the red.

The is Cape Elizabeth Lighthouse, Which was taken taken at a time.