Wednesday, May 27, 2015

May 27, 2015

We are leaving this evening to go to Norway.    When thinking about some of the pictures that I want to get while there, I reminded myself of something that I shares last winter, when things were blah!

This picture is one of the results of that thought.

What is it?

Where is it?

We were having lunch at McQuire's in Senoia, Georgia ,not to be identified with McQuire's in Destin, Florida, which, by the way, has the ceiling covered with hanging dollar bills.  Note to 'you know who," the taxes were paid on the income...

Moving on... Linda and were sitting there awaiting for our food to arrive and I looked up at the ceiling and this is what I saw directly above my head  The decor of the restaurant was nice, but this ceiling tile stood out for me. 

Admittedly, I did change the color from bronze to black.  To reiterate, Be sure to look around before finishing taking the pictures that you intended to take.  There may be more.


  1. glad you're so observant - we reap the benefits of that! Have a wonderful trip!!! Can't wait to see the pics of your adventures.

  2. Ditto Allison. Have the time of your life!
