Thursday, June 18, 2015

June 18, 2015

Our grandson, Ben, is a ham.  He came into the living room as this and I grabbed the camera.  This photo would be a great one to add a caption.  If you have one, put it into the 'comments.'

Sunday, June 14, 2015

June 14, 2015

It is our 46th anniversary today.  We celebrated be taking a day trip to Dahlonega, GA and then out to dinner in the evening.  I have to admit... this month's photo project is The Three Sisters Winery and Dahlonega.  My interest in the winery was the landscape and it did not disappoint.

After lunch in Dahlonega, we walked around...Linda shopped and I took pictures.

They were having a music jam and as I you can see, I was standing next to a banjo player.  Dahlonega always honors those that served in various wars and conflicts each year for the fourth of July.

Click once on the Vineyard to enlarge.