Sunday, December 27, 2015

December 27, 2015

My PC crashed four years ago and I could not access the photos and files that were on the hard drive.  I had purchased a widget/gizmo that claimed that I could hook it up to the hard drive and download to another computer.  Well, yesterday I hooked it up and tried to download from the old PC to my Macbook, to which I have an external hard drive attached.

"Worked like a charm."  Admittedly, I do have Microsoft Office for Mac installed, which allowed the copying of the Word files.  The photos were no problem.

Here are a few pictures from the old computer taken in 2007. 

The first is from our room at the Cliff House, which is between Perkins Cove and Your Beach, Maine.

The next is of one of the tourist boats that embark from Perkins Cove and travel along the Maine coastline.

I desaturated all the colors except red.  There was little color in the photo other than the red.

The is Cape Elizabeth Lighthouse, Which was taken taken at a time.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, so glad you got these all back! I had my hard drive die on me twice on my current PC, I lost everything both times.. I didn't have a ton of pictures and most of them are on facebook anyway but I would like to still recover some stuff... I need to try this... but nice pics!!!!
