Tuesday, May 12, 2015

May 12, 2015

This picture is a wildflower that returned from last years planting.  I am still trying to figure out why would purchase Annuals and not Per-annuals.  Home Depot and Lowe's are making bib bucks each Spring in the Lawn and Garden section.

It is like burying money in the ground and when you dig it up, it is decayed beyond use...  No return on the investment.  I would rather have an Hydrangea than a Geranium.  I know... there are exceptions.

Back the the wildflower.  I took the photo with a 'macro' lends with extension tube attached between the lens and the camera, which makes it a more close up picture.  I have a function on my photo processing software that adds the 'burst' look.  In order to keep the center of the photo as taken, I selected the area so it would not be part of the 'burst' effect.

I put this photo in my Photo-Art category.  More artistic than photographic.


  1. Beautiful flower and very cool picture!

  2. LOL, aren't annuals super pretty? I have no idea. Yes, cool pic! XO
